Frequently Asked Questions

Are you a non profit?

Yes! We are a nonprofit, 501 (c) 3, and registered charity through our state in good standing. We are vetted and a part of ColoradoGives365. 

We want our donors to feel safe and satisfied supporting or partnering with us. 

We rely on the generous donations, memberships, volunteerism and help to continue our mission and expand. Our finances are transparent and all donations go to the operation and success of the rescues.

Where can we send a donation?

Please see our Contact | Donate page for options. 

Please note, we care about our donors and never want fraud. This is the only official page for Forever Loving Homes and we never want to see anyone spammed or fraud when wanting to donate. If you have any question, do not hesitate to reach for us. 

Founding Partners Needed

We currently seeking partnerships and supporters for 2024. 

For more information please contact us.

Comment , like and share on our social platforms. Currently  as @foreverlovinghomes on LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube adding more soon!
